Audiovisual material
As well as books and magazines, the Library collects a range of audiovisual formats, including compact discs, videos, DVDs, vinyl records and tapes. All of these can be requested through the Library’s catalogue and played on equipment in the Arts Reading Room.
If you can’t decide what to listen to, we have eight listening posts that showcase the great variety of recorded music held in our collection. The selections on these posts are changed regularly and range from rock to classical, world music to jazz, musical theatre to film soundtracks, and a whole lot more.
Our non-music recordings include book and poetry readings, plays and oral histories. The oral history collection contains interviews with Australians involved in art, music and the performing arts, and includes a large collection of interviews with jazz musicians.
The Library offers a number of programs and events throughout the year that highlight recordings in the collection. Visit What's on for details, or listen online to audio and video from past events. The Library also provides access to audio and video recordings online through a selection of our music databases.