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Cory Doctorow talks science fiction, digital rights and 21st century publishing

This is an archived media release. Links were correct at the time of publication, but may have changed or expired.

Cory Doctorow, award winning author, activist, futurist, and top Internet influencer will deliver a series of lectures and master classes at the State Library of Victoria from 22-25 November.

In his only Australian appearance, Doctorow will discuss the future of publishing, storytelling, copyright and intellectual property in the 21st century.

Doctorow is the co-editor of Boing Boing and the author of several young adult novels including Homeland, Pirate cinema and Little brother – a New York Times bestseller. He is the former European director of the Electronic Frontier Foundation and co-founded the UK Open Rights Group.  He was named one of the internet's top 25 influencers by Forbes magazine and a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum.

This unique event is presented by the Centre for Youth Literature at the State Library of Victoria as part of the Digital Society series which explores the interface of digital and analogue worlds and their impact on human experience and innovation.

Cory Doctorow at the State Library:
The Science of Fiction
Friday 22 November, 6.30-8pm 

'Science fiction writers foresee the inevitable' but what is inevitable about today’s publishing industry? Engage with science fiction author, activist, journalist and blogger Cory Doctorow as he discusses publishing, digital content and the future of narrative. Proudly supported by program partner, Deakin University.

Creative versus Commons
Saturday 23rd November, 6.30-8pm
As technology evolves so do the ways people share stories. Hear from author, activist and blogger Cory Doctorow as he discusses the current issues facing online communities from copyright to the importance of access, and the innovators who are paving the way. Fellow panellists will discuss the future direction of sharing and stories in the technological age.

Digital Fiction Master Class with Cory Doctorow
Sunday 24 November, 2-4pm
Join our exclusive master class with renowned blogger and science fiction writer, Cory Doctorow. Discuss the changing relationship between authors and readers, the evolution of digital content and how to make an impact in an increasingly digital world.

Future Fictions with teens
Monday 25 November, 10-12pm
Cory Doctorow talks with teens about his books, the future of fiction and how to be an active participant in today’s world. Participate in a workshop that will unleash your creativity and hear about others who are helping to shape our world.

Session details online at:

A limited number of interview opportunities are available with Cory. To express interest please contact us as soon as possible.