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Domes old and new discussed as State Librarian visits Geelong

This is an archived media release. Links were correct at the time of publication, but may have changed or expired.

Sue Roberts, CEO and State Librarian will meet with the Geelong City Library tomorrow to examine the progress of the library redevelopment and explore the role the State Library of Victoria will play in Geelong’s information future.

‘The new Geelong library will boldly reimagine the iconic dome library design which has been a centrepiece of the State Library for 100 years. While the State Library is celebrating the centenary of our beautiful dome, Geelong Library is undergoing a transformation that will deliver the most up-to-date library services and a wonderful space for the Geelong community.’

‘The new library will be a valuable information and community hub, generating a positive cultural and financial return for the Geelongcommunity. Research such as the Dollars, Sense and Public Libraries report shows each dollar invested inGeelong libraries is returned to the community several times over. This redevelopment is very good news for Geelong,’ Roberts said.

Sue Roberts, who was appointed Victorian State Librarian twelve months ago, is visiting Geelong as part of her tour of Victoria to assess how the State Library can best service Victorians.

‘Technology now allows us to bring more of our collection and services to more people around Victoria than ever before. I will be travelling around Victoria throughout the year to hear from communities about how we can deliver a service that generates new knowledge and ideas for Victorians. Getting that right is very important, as is letting people know what is already freely available.’

Patti Manolis, CEO of the Geelong Regional Library Corporation is delighted Sue Roberts is visiting.

‘The Geelong Regional Library Corporation values the strong partnership between the State Library of Victoria and public libraries. Sue will see clearly from the plans for the new world class Geelong Library and Heritage Centre, the dynamic services that will be delivered from the architecturally designed and dome inspired building currently under development. These will include the very latest technologies, an increased collection including digital media and heritage materials, an expanded range of lifelong learning programs and exhibitions as well as great spaces for the local community and visitors to Geelong’, she said


Information for editors

Dollars, Sense and Public Libraries is an independent report by SGS Economics produced for the State Library of Victoria and Public Libraries Victoria Network. It analyses the socio-economic value of our public libraries. Key findings, summary report and supporting technical report can be downloaded at: