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Home > Learn > Schools Programs > Medieval Calligraphy Workshop (Onsite)

Medieval Calligraphy Workshop (Onsite)

1.5 hours
Year level
$210 per class
25 students per class

Students will explore the medieval world of parchment paper, coloured powders and gold leaf in this hands-on calligraphy experience.

Dating back to the 5th century, the art of calligraphy flourished in the medieval age and required precise craftsmanship. In this creative workshop, students will become calligraphers – learning how to write decorative medieval scripts using calligraphy pens and making their own illuminated manuscripts based on Latin text.

The program also includes a guided tour of the Library's World of the Book exhibition.

This program is available Tuesday-Thursday during term time at 10.00am and 12.30pm onsite at State Library Victoria. A maximum of two classes can be allocated to one booking time.

Students will:

  • Discover how illuminated manuscripts were produced in medieval times
  • Create their own illuminated manuscript using calligraphy pens and uncial script
  • Explore the Library's unique heritage spaces, including the iconic La Trobe Reading Room and a tour of the World of the Book exhibition

This program links to the Victorian Curriculum and helps students to:

  • Explain the causes and consequences of significant events and developments(VC2HH6S08)
  • Explain the causes and consequences of significant events, individuals, ideas and developments and their contribution to continuity and change (VC2HH8S08)
  • Investigate ways that visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials are used to communicate ideas, perspectives and meaning in artworks created across cultures, times, places and other contexts (VC2AVA8E01)
  • Develop visual arts skills by experimenting with visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials (VC2AVA6D01)

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More information

Schools with an ICSEA ranking below 1000 may be eligible for our Access Education Funding. Check your school’s ICSEA on the My School website.

For more information about the program, please email [email protected] or call 03 8664 7478.