
South Rotunda and the Heritage Collections Reading Room will be closed 22 July - 27 Oct. Find out more.

Home > Ned Kelly armour relocation FAQs

Ned Kelly armour relocation FAQs

Ned Kelly’s armour will relocate from South Rotunda to the Redmond Barry Reading Room in October–November 2023. 

When will the armour be moved? 

The armour will be removed from display on 2 October, so 1 October will be the last day to see it in its location in South Rotunda. 

The armour will be installed in its new location in Redmond Barry Reading Room in late November. 

How long will the armour be off display? 

We expect that the armour will be off display for around a month. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for updates. 

Why can’t you give me an exact date that the armour will be back on display? 

Moving such a large and significant item and its case can be a tricky procedure, so please bear with us. There’s a lot of conservation and construction work that takes place behind the scenes, and sometimes this can take a bit longer than expected. We’ll announce the date as soon as we know.  

Will I be able to read the Jerilderie Letter as part of the new display? 

We are currently developing the display and how best to present supplemental material such as the Jerilderie Letter alongside the armour. We are also exploring options for developing and curating our digital content relating to Ned Kelly, and how best to link the in-person and online experiences. 

Why is the armour moving to Redmond Barry Reading Room? 

Ned Kelly’s armour is one of the Library’s most popular and valued collection items, and the relocation will allow us to showcase this unique piece in a prominent part of the building. As the reading room is adjacent to the Russell Street Welcome Zone, it is more accessible than the previous side gallery location. We hope this will give more visitors the chance to learn about Ned Kelly’s life and legacy. Specialist Library staff thoroughly investigated all available locations before deciding on Redmond Barry Reading Room.  

I use the reading room to study, and I’m concerned that this will make it too busy/noisy. 

While Redmond Barry Reading Room is one of the Library’s main study spaces, it isn’t designated as a quiet zone. We welcome conversation and group study in this room, as well as questions at our Ask a Librarian desk. We hope to use this space to showcase more collection items over time. 

If you need a quiet place to work or study, the La Trobe (Dome) and Arts Reading Rooms are designated quiet spaces.