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Home > What's on > The Rest Is Up To You: Auslan Interpreted Tour

The Rest Is Up To You: Auslan Interpreted Tour

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03 June 2023, 2:00pm2:30pm
03 June 2023, 2:30pm3:00pm
Location Keith Murdoch Gallery
Swanston Street Welcome Zone

Join us for a tour of our Melbourne Fringe exhibition, The Rest Is Up To You, with Auslan interpreters.

Come experience inside the world of Fringe with exhibition co-curators Kate Rhodes and Simon Abrahams. This exhibition celebrates 40 years of unforgettable experiences - as told by the artists, teams and audiences who make it all possible - while dreaming of what the next 40 years will be like.

Interpreted by Expression Australia, this tour has been designed for the Deaf and hard of hearing community. The State Library has consulted with Expression Australia, ensuring the exhibition is accessible for Deaf and hard of hearing community. Auslan interpreters booked through Expression Australia.

Following the tour, Kate and Simon will lead an in-depth curatorial talk, with Auslan interpretation available.

The exhibition is a high sensory space, with screens that use flashing text which may affect visitors with photosensitivity.

About Kate

State Library Victoria Curator Kate Rhodes was born and grew up on Latje Latje country in regional Victoria and is a PhD candidate in the Architecture and Curatorial Programs at Monash University.

Kate was Foundation Curator at RMIT Design Hub Gallery and has worked on art, craft, design and architecture exhibitions, workshops and creative activities in Australia and internationally since 2000. She was Creative Director of the State of Design Festival and Curator of its Design for Everyone program.

Kate has held the position of Curator at the Australian Centre for Design, Craft Victoria, Melbourne Fashion Festival and the National Design Centre and was Assistant Curator of Photography and Contemporary Art at the National Gallery of Victoria. As editor of architecture and design magazine Artichoke, Kate founded Artichoke Night School—a forum for taking design ideas in print into a live discussion which still runs today. In 2019 she co-edited the book An unreliable guide to jewellery by Lisa Walker with Nella Themelios, which has won national and international awards.

About Simon

Melbourne Fringe Creative Director & CEO Simon Abrahams is recognised as one of Australia's arts and cultural leaders. Simon is a life member of Theatre Network Australia, an organisation he co-founded then chaired from 2010-2017. He is an arts advocate, programmer, creative producer, performer and cultural consultant and his work is driven by a commitment to cultural democracy.

Since joining Melbourne Fringe in 2015, Simon’s leadership has driven the organisation's focus on cultural democracy, delivering the largest festivals in its history, reaching over 350 000 people at 450+ events each year.

Simon sat on the Victorian Government's Ministerial Council for Volunteering (2017-19). In 2013-14, Simon held the position of Head of Programming at the Wheeler Centre for Books, Writing and Ideas, where he conceived, curated and programmed over 250 events annually.

Simon is well known for his transformative work as Executive Producer and co-CEO of Polyglot Theatre (2007-12), where he led the organisation’s strategic transformation into an internationally renowned creator of experiential work for children, in partnership with irrepressible Artistic Director Sue Giles.


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