Victorian county, parish & township plans
If you're looking for a historical map of a Victorian region or township, a parish plan may be just what you need. We have around 8500 country, parish and township plans, produced between 1837 and 1986, the majority of which have been digitised and made available through our online catalogue.
Victoria is divided into administrative districts known as counties, parishes and townships. The maps of these districts record the transfer of land from government to private ownership, with each plan showing the boundaries of occupied, reserved or privately owned land, the names of first grantees, and the purchase dates. They show only the first purchaser of each block of land – subsequent owners are not recorded. You can determine which parish or county you need by referring to the Township and parish guide.
Parish plans provide an indication of the size and shape of local settlements and the location of major buildings, roads, railways and other built structures, as well as natural features such as rivers, lakes and mountains. They sometimes include notes on local vegetation types, and even the quality and colour of local soils. They may also show the location of houses, businesses, schools, churches and other local landmarks.
To make an inquiry about maps, including a request to view collection items, please contact Library staff.