Ejournals, ebooks & CD-ROMs
We have thousands of ebooks, ejournals, magazines and newspaper databases (and many CD-ROM databases), covering a wide range of topics. You can explore the full range of subscription databases on offer through the subject listing for users in the Library. If you are a State Library member and live in Victoria, you can access current newspapers and historic newspapers from home.
The information available is both current and archival, ranging from the research-oriented to the popular, with an Australian or international focus. Ejournal back files are generally limited to the past 10 or 20 years; however, some collections such as JSTOR have complete coverage of an extensive range of scholarly journals in full text. The Library has print copies of many of the journals listed in Periodicals index online.
Some databases have wide topical coverage, including ProQuest and Informit Online (for research from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia Pacific region).
Other databases cater for specific areas of interest. These include Naxos video library, eMIMSelite, First World War (Adam Matthew Digital), Gale Literature Criticism, IBISWorld (for Australian industry reports) and the National Construction Code.
The Library has an extensive range of ebooks which complement our print collection, and you can search for ebooks on any subject in our catalogue. We also subscribe to ebook encyclopedia and reference titles, including the Oxford English dictionary, Gale eBooks and Encyclopaedia Britannica online.
An extensive collection of CD-ROMs, especially those useful for family history research, is available within the Library.
The Library catalogue is your best guide to the full range of resources. Information-rich free websites are also included.