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Home > Stories > COVID-19 community collecting

COVID-19 community collecting

A man in uniform hands a letter to a young girl
06 April 2020

We’re collecting posters, flyers and mail-outs appearing in our local neighbourhoods across Victoria in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

This material can often be discarded but provides invaluable information about this significant event impacting our community. State Library Victoria collects this ephemeral material to help tell the story of this moment in time for future generations.

We appreciate your help in preserving this material.

We’re specifically looking for the following items that you may receive in your mailbox or when you are out for essential activities:

    • Government leaflets
    • Leaflets from local businesses, restaurants and organisations regarding their services during COVID-19
    • Community notices relating to COVID-19.

Please ensure you don’t put yourself at risk while gathering this material and adhere to current government advice about social distancing. We would appreciate it if you could set this material aside and we will send a 'call out' for you to mail or drop it into the Library when we re-open.

The Library may decline or dispose of material where we receive duplicate copies, or where it is not relevant to our collecting policy.