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Fellowships Information Night recap

11 August 2022

On Tuesday, the Library hosted an information night for the 2023 Fellowship Program, which was recorded and can be viewed above. The event discussed the application process, key dates and selection criteria as well as a Q&A panel discussion. 

Library Fellows Veisinia Tonga and Donna Kendrigan highlighted the breadth and diversity of the State Collection and spoke about their own research and fellowship journeys.

Attendees also had the opportunity to meet the Library’s Fellowships Program team and hear from specialist librarians with expertise across multiple disciplines and cultural sectors.

A myriad of questions were asked and answered throughout the evening about how to search the collection, eligibility and the services and facilities available for Library Fellows. For questions we couldn’t answer on the night, please view our FAQs.

Watch the information night video above or through the Library's YouTube channel. 

View attendees questions and some answers by Library staff members in Slido

To view the recording of the Indigenous Victorian Aboriginal Cultural Research Fellowships information night, please contact the Victorian Indigenous Research Centre at [email protected].