Welcome to Future Founders Program 2021
Build your future startup career with Future Founders Program, Australia’s dedicated year-long entrepreneurship program aimed at international students and business founders.
Presented by StartSpace and Study Melbourne, this program will help you on your business journey – from the moment you have that lightbulb idea to the time when you’re ready to launch your own business.
Through the Future Founders Program, you will learn practical skills and hear from some of the world’s leading entrepreneurs. You’ll also have the chance to connect with other students and new business founders.
Online and onsite events will run throughout the year. No matter where what stage you’re at, there’s something for everyone!
Future Founders program
- Community roadshows (10 – 27 May): Taking place across regional Victoria, at universities in Melbourne and online, the roadshows enable a broader audience to access talks and workshops with industry experts.
- Immersive boot camps: Run over two weeks, the boot camps are an immersive program for students who are ready to commit, with a focus on reflective learning that will pressure-test participants and teach skills quickly.
- Future Founders Festival (July): The online and onsite four-day festival will feature startup founders and industry experts, and include a 48-hour Hackathon that aims to introduce students to entrepreneurship and the startup ecosystem.
- Venture scholarships: Australia’s first international student initiative will provide incubator funding for budding founders. Eight ventures will receive $10,000 in scholarship funding and each recipient will get a six-week StartSpace membership, which includes exclusive one-on-one coaching and mentoring opportunities.
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More to Explore
Check out highlights from last year’s Future Founders Festival.