Audio: Walter Struve on German family history resources | State Library Victoria

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Audio: Walter Struve on German family history resources

  • Date recorded: 25 Aug 2014

  • Duration: 48:50

'family history is a way into history in general, and the more history you know the richer your family history can become'

– Walter Struve

About this recording

Walter Struve's Family History Feast 2014 presentation touches on a colourful array of topics, focusing on the German contribution to Victorian society and culture.

Filled with personal reflections and anecdotes, Walter's talk notes how German involvement with Australia stretches back to before the First Fleet, to the voyages of Abel Tasman and James Cook.

As a State Library librarian, he provides insights into the Library's vast collections, and touches on the Library's early history. He mentions major figures in German-Australian history, such as Von Mueller and Von Guérard, along with lesser known stories from our German heritage.

Hear more from Family History Feast 2014


Walter Struve is a Redmond Barry team librarian at State Library Victoria.