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Home > View & Discuss > Michael Mosley in conversation

Michael Mosley in conversation

  • Date recorded: 2 Mar 2016

  • Duration: 26:58

'Governments can do an awful lot to change the built environment in ways that would be helpful – not least by not subsidising the foods that make us fat'

– Dr Michael Mosley

About this video

Watch a Q&A session with the popular BBC Science journalist and TV presenter Dr Michael Mosely, in conversation with Steve Ellen and Sally Wilkins, hosts of Triple R Radio's Radiotherapy program.

Michael talks about his medical background and on-screen career as a self-experimenting human guinea pig in the interests of testing scientific outcomes. In particular, he touches on topics close to his heart, including the 5:2 fast diet, the benefits of high-intensity training and his most recent book, The eight-week blood sugar diet, following his own diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.

During his career in gonzo-style medical journalism, the only experience Michael has regretted was when he put his fear of confined spaces to the test during a caving expedition. And the best experiences? Trying laughing gas, psilocybin ('magic') mushrooms and the truth drug (sodium thiopental).

Michael admits that while some of his experiments have been challenging, others have been life-changing – and even his deliberate tapeworm infestation was an interesting experience!

This insightful conversation took place on 2 March 2016, following Michael Mosley's TEDx Melbourne event at the State Library.

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Michael Mosley trained to be a doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in London. After qualifying he joined the BBC, where he has been a science journalist, executive producer and, more recently, a television presenter. He has won numerous television awards and was named medical journalist of the year by the British Medical Association.

His books include The fast diet, Fast exercise and The eight-week blood sugar diet.