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Paul Dee on answering research queries

Speaker(s): Paul Dee

  • Date recorded: 27 Oct 2012

  • Duration: 2:30

'I spend a lot of my day answering questions from all around the world.'

- Paul Dee

About this video

It’s satisfying to know that the internet can’t answer every question.

Watch as librarian Paul Dee responds to a query from a caller from Switzerland that can’t be answered with the click of a mouse.

Charged with finding an Aboriginal word for ‘harmony’, Paul consults several dictionaries, a 19th-century pamphlet and a number of books from the Library’s storage.

Information seekers from around the world rely on the expertise of Library staff such as Paul, who find the answers to all kinds of questions using the Library’s vast and varied array of reference materials.


Paul Dee is a librarian at the State Library Victoria.