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Home > About Us > Governance > Inclusion, Diversity and Access

Inclusion, Diversity and Access

The Library is a place where the participation and contribution of all Victorian communities are valued. We want more Victorians to engage with us – especially those who face physical, geographic, economic or social barriers. 

What is diversity and social inclusion?

Diversity is fundamental to human society – each individual’s identity comprises a unique blend of characteristics, such as:

  • age and generation
  • cultural and linguistic background
  • intellectual and physical ability
  • gender
  • socio-economic background
  • level of education
  • faith.

Diversity is recognised as ‘a precious community asset … that supports people to thrive and respond better to change in a complex, unpredictable world’ (State of Victoria, Strategic framework to strengthen Victoria's social cohesion and the resilience of its communities, 2015). But it is also closely linked to the discrimination, disadvantage and social exclusion of vulnerable groups.

A socially inclusive worldview places the responsibility on mainstream society to ensure equal access to participation in society for those vulnerable groups, so all members of society have equal opportunity.

The policy and legislative context

The Library’s approach to Inclusion, Diversity and Access draws on global, national and state policy priorities and objectives.

Under Victoria’s Disability Act 2006, government agencies such as the Library are required to lodge and implement a Disability Action Plan outlining initiatives to break down barriers to employment, and promote social inclusion and changes in cultural attitudes and practices.

State Library Victoria is committed to upholding the gender equality principles outlined in the Gender Equality Act 2020 and has considered each principle in determining actions for our Gender Equality Action Plan