Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin on the three pillars of innovation culture
Enjoy this 'Big ideas under the dome' lecture by innovation entrepreneur Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin.
The Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter has altered opening hours in January. Find out more.
History & politics52Collection insights43Exhibitions36Australian history32Artists & writers30art26Family History Feast25Popular culture18art & design18Culture17world of the book17printmaking15WWI14literature14world of the book13Family history13war13architecture13illustration13military13performance12State Library Victoria12Big ideas under the dome12family history feast11Australian history11Rome: Piranesi's vision11children's books11Giovanni Battista Piranesi11books11rare books9History of the book8creative fellows8Victorian history7family history7creative fellows7Writing the war7music7human rights7Library collections6Poetry Slam6digital technology6artists' books6Foxcroft Lecture6cultural history6library fellowships6education6fellowships6library6literature6poetry5Melbourne5WWII5Exhibition talks & tours5Stephen Murray-Smith Memorial Lecture5social justice5library fellowships4history4author in conversation4journalism4foxcroft lecture4Library collections4Multicultural history4Redmond Barry Lecture4poetry slam4performance4one object many stories4indigenous people4artists and writers4author in conversation4culture4Redmond Barry lecture4Making Public Histories3Artists' books3food3history of the book3Ned Kelly3Environment3velvet iron ashes3White Night3storytelling3youth literature3exhibitions3Don Grant Lecture3literacy3gender issues3collections3Collection insights3Gusto!3culinary history3genealogy3persian manuscripts3victorian history3victoria gallery2books2Indigenous people2Gallipoli2foreign policy2graphic design2social justice2India2Fromelles2national security2world war one2Journalism2art2food2design2australian literature2spoken word2music2Law2book printing2Ned Kelly2victoria gallery2fellowship2Exhibitions & tours2Indigenous Australians2rare books2State Library of Victoria2family history records2diaries and manuscripts2interior design2health2sport2pop culture2library fellows2velvet iron ashes2popular culture2web2
Enjoy this 'Big ideas under the dome' lecture by innovation entrepreneur Sebastien Eckersley-Maslin.
Hear the Governor of Victoria, the Honourable Linda Dessau AM, share her thoughts on sport and the arts, and why both really matter.
Hear Helen Kapalos, Chairperson of the Victorian Multicultural Commission, in a thought-provoking discussion on achieving social change.
Listen to historian Clare Wright's personal and intellectual journey through Australian history for the 2015 Stephen Murray-Smith lecture.
Former Victorian of the Year and CEO of World Vision, Tim Costello discusses what makes Victoria different.
Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick argues that equality cannot be achieved without commitment from men.
See Maxine McKew present the 2014 Stephen Murray-Smith Memorial Lecture on the topic of academic success.
Hear Professor Peter Donnelly discuss the breakthroughs being made in modern genetics.
Hear former prime minister Malcolm Fraser discuss Australia’s history of strategic dependence on 'great and powerful friends'.
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