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Home > About Us > Policies & guidelines > Entry Service > Library entry By-laws

Library entry By-laws

Our By-laws ensure the safety of users and the security of collections, buildings and facilities.

The By-laws regulate areas of our operations including:

  • consumption of food and drink on Library premises
  • size of bags that can be brought into reading rooms
  • photography in reading rooms
  • internet access
  • conduct on Library premises.

Part 1: Preliminary

1. Title

These By-laws may be cited as the State Library Victoria By-laws.

2. Objective

The objectives of these By-laws are to:

(a) Ensure the safety and enjoyment of all visitors on Library Premises.

(b) Regulate conduct, admission or removal from any Library Premises.
(c) Control the preservation, inspection, copying or lending of Library material.
(d) Ensure the care, protection and management of Library Premises.

3. Authorising provision

These By-laws are made pursuant to section 52 of the Libraries Act 1988.

4. Commencement

These By-laws come into operation on 14 August 2019.

5. Revocation

The following By-laws are revoked: State Library Victoria by-laws No. 1 made on 2 February 2006, as amended on 3 December 2008.

Part 2: Admission and removals

6. Admission and Access

6.1 Members of the public who enter Library Premises must comply with these By-Laws and all relevant laws, policies, procedures or conditions published by the Library.

6.2 The Chief Executive Officer may determine from time to time which parts of the Premises are public areas.

6.3 Members of the public may enter all public areas during opening hours, unless directed otherwise by the Library.

7. Conditions of entry

7.1 A person must not eat or drink in exhibition display areas or other areas, except where expressly permitted.

7.2 The Library may inspect or determine from time to time the size of any bag, article, luggage or object, however described, that can be brought onto the Premises.

7.3 A person must comply with any reasonable request, including signage, in relation to entry, continued presence, or use of the Premises and its contents.

7.4 Children under the age of 12 years must be supervised at all times by an adult.

8. Conduct on Library Premises

A person must not:

(a) Conduct themselves in a manner which, in the reasonable opinion of the Library, disrupts, interferes, offends, or obstructs persons or operations within the Premises.

(b) Damage, destroy or interfere with any collection material, exhibit, displays, equipment, part of a building, article or item within the Premises.

(c) Without the approval of an Authorised Officer, remove from Library Premises any Library material, equipment, exhibit, item or material on loan.

(d) Bring animals onto Library Premises, except a registered assistance animal.

(e) Enter into any restricted areas, without the approval of an Authorised Officer.

(f) Without lawful excuse, bring into or possess on Library Premises any prohibited object including but not limited to: a projectile, firearm, weapon, flammable or explosive substance, controlled article, or any offensive or dangerous substance or article.

(g) Without the approval of the Chief Executive Officer, display any advertising material, offer for sale or hire any article or item, conduct a commercial business, solicit money from individuals, or recruit or attempt to recruit membership in any type of organisation whatsoever, for commercial or non-commercial purposes.

(h) Smoke tobacco or any other substance on Library Premises.

(i) Without the approval of an Authorised Officer, use any vehicle or transportation device on Library Premises.

(j) Without the approval of an Authorised Officer, leave baggage or personal items unattended.

Part 3: Collections – preservation, inspection, copying and lending

9. Use of Library Material

A person who uses any material in the State Collection or under Library control:

(a) Must comply with any special conditions for the use and handling of that material; and

(b) Must not damage or interfere with any Library material, or handle any Library material in a way likely to cause damage to that material.

10. Copying and Publication

Any use of the State Collection must comply with all relevant Commonwealth and State laws, as well as policies and conditions published by the Library, which may be subject to change over time.

Part 4: Enforcement

11. Contravention of By-Laws

If a person contravenes any of these By-Laws:

(a) The Chief Executive Officer may prohibit entry by the person to the Library premises indefinitely or for a specified period; or

(b) An Authorised Officer may direct the person to be removed from Library premises or deny use of Library material, equipment or services indefinitely or for a specified period of time.

12. Signage requirements

For the purposes of enforcing these By-Laws, the Library may include references to the By-Laws on its signage and any documentation.

Part 5: Directions

13. Authorised Officer may give directions to comply

An Authorised Officer may direct a person to comply with these By-laws if they believe, on reasonable grounds, that a person has not complied with any part.


In these By-Laws:

  • Act means the Libraries Act 1988 (Vic).
  • Authorised Officer means any person duly authorised by the Library Board of Victoria for the purpose of these By-Laws, including its employees, agents or contractors.
  • Board means the Library Board of Victoria.
  • Chief Executive Officer means the Chief Executive Officer of the Library Board of Victoria.
  • Library means State Library Victoria.
  • Opening hours means the hours during which the Premises, or any part, are designated as open by the Library.
  • Premises means any land or buildings managed or controlled by the Board.