
A site-wide children's event is being held at the Library on Thursday 16 January. Find out more.
The Pauline Gandel Children's Quarter has altered opening hours in January. Find out more.

Home > Interact With Us > Scholarships Awards > Libraries for Health and Wellbeing Innovation Grants

Libraries for Health and Wellbeing Innovation Grants

The Libraries for Health and Wellbeing Innovation Grants program was delivered in partnership between State Library Victoria and Public Libraries Victoria in recognition of the vital role of public libraries in supporting community health and wellbeing. 

Established in 2020 as part of the Statewide Libraries Development Projects 2020-2023, the Libraries for Health and Wellbeing Program underscores the importance of public libraries in supporting community health. The Innovation Grants were introduced to amplify the program's impact, with a minimum grant value of $20,000 and a flexible funding pool ranging from $150,000 to $250,000.

Over three years the grant funding supported 24 strategic projects reaching across the state and tailored to local community needs: specifically targeting innovative and collaborative projects in physical health, mental wellbeing, and social connection. Funding further supported innovative health and wellbeing projects in public libraries that fostered partnerships. 

Small Libraries Big Impact Webinar 

This webinar explores the importance of regional and rural libraries. Featuring keynote speaker Honourable Melissa Horne, Minister for Local Government; Leanne Williams, CEO of MyLi and President of Public Libraries Victoria Executive committee; and Dr Rebecca McGowen, a local GP and advocate for public libraries. Dr McGowan shares insights on the challenges rural communities face in achieving positive health outcomes. Discover real-life examples of library funding for social impact, including insights from Paul Duldig, CEO of the State Library Victoria, and a panel discussion led by Dr. Angela Savage on rural innovative outcomes for libraries achieved with Libraries for Health and Wellbeing Innovation Grants.

Hear Our Story

The Hear Our Story videos captures the voices and stories of community members who have directly benefitted from the Health and Wellbeing Innovation Grants. Each story captures the ways that libraries affect that world around participants and the opportunities that the grants programs have brought to their communities.