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Home > About Us > Policies & guidelines > Entry Service > Food & drink policy

Food & drink policy

1. Purpose

The State Library Victoria recognises the need of Library users to remain hydrated, especially whilst working for long periods within an air-conditioned environment. Accordingly, this policy permits the consumption of bottled water within designated areas of the Library building.

2. Scope

The policy covers consumption of food and drink within the Library building and aims to ensure that staff and users are aware of what is permissible and any penalties which may arise from non-compliance.

3. Definitions

'Bottled water' is water in a plastic or unbreakable bottle with a secure and covered lid.

4. Responsibilities and roles

4.1 Areas where bottled water is permitted

Bottled water may be brought in and consumed by users within the following designated areas of the Library building:

  • Information Centre
  • The Courtyard
  • Family History & Newspaper Room
  • Arts Reading Room (including the Audio Visual and Music Score Rooms)
  • La Trobe Reading Room
  • Chess Collection
  • Redmond Barry Reading Room
  • Journals and Magazines
  • Conference Centre
  • Seminar and training rooms
  • Queen's Hall

4.2 Areas where bottled water is prohibited

It is strictly prohibited to bring or consume water in any of the Heritage Collection areas, including:

  • Heritage Collections Reading Room
  • Australian Manuscripts Collection
  • Maps Collection
  • Rare Books Collections
  • Children’s Literature Collection
  • Pictures Collection
  • Exhibition Galleries (Dome, Cowen and Murdoch Galleries)

4.3 Prohibited drinks

Uncovered drinking containers and drinks other than water, including flavoured water, sports and alcoholic drinks, are not permitted.

4.4 Spillages

All spillages are to be reported immediately to Library staff.

4.5 Disposal

Empty containers are to be disposed of appropriately in bins provided by the Library.

4.6 Food

Food is not allowed to be brought into or consumed in any part of the Library.

4.7 Penalties

Failure to comply with these regulations may result in a user being asked to leave the Library premises.

5. Procedure

5.1 Signage

Signage at the front foyer and throughout the building clearly indicates the Library's policy on food and water consumption, including penalties for inappropriate behaviour and users' obligations to:

  • consume bottled water only in designated areas
  • dispose of used water bottles appropriately

5.2 Disposal

The Library will provide bins in all areas where drinking bottles are permitted.

5.3 Spillages

Library staff will report incidents of spillages to cleaners.

5.4 Penalties

Library staff will monitor inappropriate behaviour and contact managers and/or security staff to remove users disregarding their obligations.